Friday, July 9, 2010


I'm still trying to get my act together on the whole doing-and-making-things front. But I have managed to devote some time to clicking around the web. Very important business, that.

A small list of not-very-related items:

I was lucky enough to stumble upon Alice Cantrell's etsy shop today and I am smitten with her beetle nature study and her eggy postcards. The beetle study very much reminds me of my high school zoology class and the hundreds of insect specimens (kept among a vast collection of specimens of all sorts) in Mr. Coate's classroom. I'm sure I still have that zoology binder, full of the notes and sketches I made to prepare for his specimen identification test, stashed away somewhere.

I have been on a years-long search for the perfect recipe box. These boxes are pretty, as are the recipe cards. Actually, most of Rifle Paper Co.'s stuff is pretty great. [via DesignSponge]

And I want a bell jar or ten. I love them, but I am having trouble finding exactly what I want. I am particular like that. So the search continues.

Also, I would like a treehouse. Please and thank you.

I have requested (and received, thanks Mom and Grandma!) many birthday pies in my life. Because pie is the best. (But don't get me wrong. I am not at all a cake hater. Cake has icing, after all, and icing is one of the most fantastic edible substances on Earth. But I am somewhat more devoted to pie.) This lays it all out. (Warning for those with delicate sensibilities: there is cursing involved, and not just a little bit.)

1 comment:

annette said...

In total agreement on the pie vs. cake issue - even though in a different life I was a cake maker. She sums up the pros and cons so well - my friend Simrat alerted me to her blog about two weeks ago, and now Ari is an ardent fan.