Wednesday, November 17, 2010

unrelated wee little bits

As you may have noticed, I have not been sewing. I have not sewn in months. But it is time. The curtain rods are here, if not quite yet up, so I need to start on the curtains. And I need to restart work on the tree skirt very soon if I hope to have it finished (I'm going for really, truly finished this year!) and ready to put under the tree at decorating time. I find it difficult to focus on Christmas-related projects before Thanksgiving, though. I like to deal with on one holiday at a time, and I'm just not in the right head-space for Christmas yet. But when you're trying to make stuff for the holiday, you really do need to start earlier. Bleh. Oh, and while I'm making a sewing to do list: draft snakes for the back door and the one window for which the storm window won't close.

On to some other stuff!

 How did I, with my deep love of miniatures and dollhouses, not know this place existed until now? Like the Thorne Miniature Rooms, only more so! So great! [via Loobylu]

This is from months ago, but I filed it under "awesomeness" in Google Reader (really, that is a category I actually use). I need to make one (or more) of these (er, Adam, if you're reading this, that means I need to have you make one of these) to house knick-knacks and doodads.

Also, I've been sneezing up a storm for the last few days. I am not usually much of a sneezer. No other symptoms. What the heck?

1 comment:

annette said...

I hope you are finding the sneezes are gone today! I loved the Thorne Rooms - the Shaker living room trim color was really surprising, and all of the rooms were so incredibly done, they look so real. I had heard of miniature world, but had no idea they put their world online - it is pretty fantastic! I loved how they were aiming at period accuracy with the landscapes and buildings.